(detail) A Hero Saved By the Transparency Of a Crowd In a Wine Barrel, 305 x 244 x 244 cm/10 x 8 x 8 feet, found L.A. beach clothes, wood, steel, acrylic and urethane foam, 2019
A Hero Saved By the Transparency Of a Crowd In a Wine Barrel, 305 x 244 x 244 cm/10 x 8 x 8 feet, found L.A. beach clothes, wood, steel, acrylic and urethane foam, 2019
Fragile Excitement, 132.1 x 132.1 x 55.9 cm/ 52x52x22 inches, found L.A. beach clothes, wood, steel, leather, rubber, rock, glass and urethane, 2018
Fragile Excitement (detail 1), 132.1 x 132.1 x 55.9 cm/ 52x52x22 inches, found L.A. beach clothes, wood, steel, leather, rubber, rock, glass and urethane, 2018
Pilgrimage To The Process, installation/performance, art supplies, Turkish prayer rug, drywall, steel and tent, 2017 (image 3)
Pilgrimage To The Process, installation/performance, art supplies, Turkish prayer rug, drywall, steel and tent, 2017 (image 2)
Pilgrimage To The Process, installation/performance, art supplies, Turkish prayer rug, drywall, steel and tent, 2017 (image 1)
Pilgrimage To The Process, installation/performance, art supplies, Turkish prayer rug, drywall, steel and tent, 2017 (image 5)
BUBBLING UP (detail), 5' 10", urethane foam, 2012
BUBBLING UP (site specific 2), 5' 10", urethane foam and oil paint, 2012
BUBBLING UP (site specific 1), 5' 10", urethane foam and oil paint, 2012